for the love of adventure

People who have explored their adventurous traits on their Bike. Others who have pushed the limits to find their place in the sun. Yet some more who have simply given in to their passion for riding ,This group aspires to honor these timeless passions and the spirit of motorcycling in a world that’s increasingly dependant on virtual reality.
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Monday, August 23, 2010

what activities happens during the tour?

a lot depends upon the place we are visiting to, but as usual most of the tours are in rajasthan so we dont find snow or water streams here as we found in our sole trip to uttarakhand rishikesh where all members of the tour enjoyed white water rafting  for 14km strech of rishikesh to haridwar in mighty ganga river,

then the members tested their muscles by rock climbing which was very arduous and many people could not finish it and gave up in between!!

the most sensational thing we did was cliff diving, which was diving into ganga from 50 feet high cliff

it found to be an easy task till we reached to cliff , but to decide to jump was the hardest decision to make..

 The night stay was in camp which was capable of taking to beds and a lantern! in it, camping was very exciting!!

we enjoyed late night by sitting and singing around  bonfire  and many members showed their skills in singing and dancing  along with dinner , they made it more tasty by cracking jokes!!

 tour in Rajasthan   test your grit and build your talent on the famed deserts and ride some of the best tarmac in the country.

Ride on routes that few ever ride on, country roads, sand dunes, hills, jungles, highways as good as landing strips, a dry salt lake and all with little or no traffic. Then there's the border road  where yours will be the only vehicle passing through the famous 1971 battle sites.

And we pay homage to a temple devoted to a Royal Enfield Bullet. The ride will coincide with the Marwar Festival at our city, Jodhpur.

Sumptuous Rajasthani meals and breathtaking monuments is a treat at almost every stop. Stay has been organized at heritage properties, a hotel, dune tents.

but nothing can stop the riders, and they celebrate reaching their destination by camel rides and Bonfire

the desert give the ultimate challenge, along with the heat .but the roads are generally empty as traffic is not a problem here

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