for the love of adventure

People who have explored their adventurous traits on their Bike. Others who have pushed the limits to find their place in the sun. Yet some more who have simply given in to their passion for riding ,This group aspires to honor these timeless passions and the spirit of motorcycling in a world that’s increasingly dependant on virtual reality.
to be a member, send a mail to

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

upcoming trip... to Kumbhalgarh, Rajasthan

hello guys we are planning The trip to Kumbhalgarh Fort, it is historical place , we will enjoy the trekking there to parshunath temple which is situated in aravali mountain range...
soon we are planning the Bonfire site and comfortable night stays...
ur ideas are also invited.... comment if any...
kumbhalgarh fort

panoramic view of kumbhalgarh

Monday, August 23, 2010

what things i should carry on trips??

List of things to carry

The things you might need on a trip like this is unlimited. However, the things you will end up using is limited. While packing for the trip, use weight vs utility ratio to decide whether or not to carry a certain item.

The best combination to have is a small back college bag which you can carry on your bike /back 
Luggage on person

You should be carrying the following items with you on your person all the time:

1. Tools
2. Torch
3. Pocket knife
4. Matches, lighter
5. Basic first aid kit with essential medicines and your prescribed medication if any
6. Sunscreen
7. cap
8. Sunglasses
9. Mosquito repellent
10. Water bottle with water
11. A light, high energy snack
12. Spare pair of socks
13. Piece of rope to tie down luggage, parts or dry clothes
14. Spare bike key (you could also keep this with us or a friend)
15. Spare spectacles, lens cleaning and carrying solution, if you wear glasses or contact lenses.
16. Camera/phone and spare power supply, chargers, memory storage devices films, tapes etc.
17. Change of clothes, socks, sandals as required
18. Standard Toolkit
19. Anything else you would need between the time of your reaching the destination and the arrival of the support vehicle.

Satellite luggage

Individual needs will vary but we have found the following list to be sufficient for our preferences (apart from the clothes you wear, riding gear, and bike spares and tools):

1. one pairs of underclothes
2. one pairs of socks
3. one pair of shorts
4. one/two additional T-shirts or shirts
6.  sweater in winters
7. Sneakers or floaters
8. Towel
9. Soap
10. Tooth brush and tooth paste.

what activities happens during the tour?

a lot depends upon the place we are visiting to, but as usual most of the tours are in rajasthan so we dont find snow or water streams here as we found in our sole trip to uttarakhand rishikesh where all members of the tour enjoyed white water rafting  for 14km strech of rishikesh to haridwar in mighty ganga river,

then the members tested their muscles by rock climbing which was very arduous and many people could not finish it and gave up in between!!

the most sensational thing we did was cliff diving, which was diving into ganga from 50 feet high cliff

it found to be an easy task till we reached to cliff , but to decide to jump was the hardest decision to make..

 The night stay was in camp which was capable of taking to beds and a lantern! in it, camping was very exciting!!

we enjoyed late night by sitting and singing around  bonfire  and many members showed their skills in singing and dancing  along with dinner , they made it more tasty by cracking jokes!!

 tour in Rajasthan   test your grit and build your talent on the famed deserts and ride some of the best tarmac in the country.

Ride on routes that few ever ride on, country roads, sand dunes, hills, jungles, highways as good as landing strips, a dry salt lake and all with little or no traffic. Then there's the border road  where yours will be the only vehicle passing through the famous 1971 battle sites.

And we pay homage to a temple devoted to a Royal Enfield Bullet. The ride will coincide with the Marwar Festival at our city, Jodhpur.

Sumptuous Rajasthani meals and breathtaking monuments is a treat at almost every stop. Stay has been organized at heritage properties, a hotel, dune tents.

but nothing can stop the riders, and they celebrate reaching their destination by camel rides and Bonfire

the desert give the ultimate challenge, along with the heat .but the roads are generally empty as traffic is not a problem here

which bikes i can take on tour

any bike which is at least of 150 cc and more

Biking is all about freedom

Embark on a new mission, make your own road and get ready to explore a unique motorcyling experience
It's such a reviving experience to just saddle up and hit the road, burn rubber and add mile upon mile, as you reach for lands few people have been to before. It's what a true biker does, letting the road lead him on to newer adventures or adventures leading to newer roads.

But to enjoy these rides and discover new places you don't just need your Bike and a spirited heart, you also need information. Information on the routes, weather conditions, terrain types, cultural differences, etc. While it is an adventure in itself to discover, an informed ride is always better and safer. And that is the objective of the Navigator. Here you will find information of some of the most enjoyable and adventurous bike routes, all done by riders. Plus some very useful riding tips whichever route you take. We hope this comes in as a handy guide whenever you plan a ride. Happy and safe riding.

Biking is all about freedom.

The freedom to go where you want, when you want, and how you want to. Yet, taking off on a ride without making basic plans can make the entire experience go sour even before you're halfway through. So while luck and fate do play an important part in how much fun your ride turns out to be, a little planning at the outset won't hurt. Here's how we recommend you go about making a ride plan.

This checklist may help:

Step 1 - Decide on how many days you can spare, and then put aside a day (or half a day) for eventualities that might crop up.

Step 2 -  see what places lie within your reach given the number of days you have, and the distance you are comfortable covering.

Step 3 - Make up a route plan with a good, reliable map. And if possible, make up an alternate route to, to take if there are eventualities to cope with.

Step 4 - Plan your night halts. Riding after dark should be avoided wherever possible, and riding through the night is not recommended at all. Check to see if there is decent accommodation available where you plan to spend the night. If you plan to rough it out, then make sure you are carrying basic camping equipment, and avoid sleeping outdoors if you are riding alone.

Step 5 - Make out a rough budget, based on your food (and drink!) habits, your bikes fuel average, number of kilometers you hope to cover totally, and the number of nights you will be staying out. It is better to carry this money in the form of a debit card, and only carry about a third of it in cash.

Step 6 - Get your bike serviced and checked over by a mechanic you trust at least two days before you plan to hit the road. Ride the bike in the city before you set out so if there are any problems, you'll be able to get your mechanic to correct them well before you leave.

Step 7 - Make sure your mobile phone bills are paid, roaming is activated, and you are carrying the addresses and phone numbers of people who need to be contacted in case something goes wrong. Inform relevant people about when you are leaving, where you plan to go, where you plan to stop for the night, and when you plan to return. Also see check with your bank/credit card company if you can use your card in places you are going to, and see that you have adequate available balance in your account.

we have designed the registration membership form keeping this in mind!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

want to be a member?

Welcome to Adventure Seekers !!!
You are few steps away from being a full fledged member of this group and proceed as follows:

(1) There is a membership form which is attached with this mail , open it up

(2) You just have to fill the personal details along with your motorbike details if you have one.(if you don't have any bike then you need not worry as you can register with your friend group who have bike.)

(3) Mail me back fully filled form. (attach with your reply mail).

(4) After your registration you  will get confirmation mail of your membership

(5) You will be informed about the future adventurous trips in which your participation will be voluntary and subjected   to rules and regulations of the group.

or any adventurous trip the willing adventurous members who enroll for the trip will have to submit a trip fee and they will be informed about the plan of the trip

check the latest trips on -

official partners -

Royal Enfield -

Hero Honda -

Yamaha -

Trip to Uttarakhand

welcome to all the members of adventure seekers

i congratulate all the group members who were part of the "happening" trip to uttarakhand's beautifull rishikesh.
which was possible with the hardwork and cooperation of team of Royal enfield , delhi and enthusiast employees of IBM gurgaon
although i got thousands of pictures clicked by group members along the trip and i am sharing few of them .
these pictures will tell you the joy of riding through the long and arduous paths and the rocking "experience it gives to all adventure seekers...the journey which started at the dawn  4 :00 am in morning and we reached at rishikesh at 4:00 PM in evening 
some of the members while entering into uttakhand
going through the ups and downs of the path

the enthusiast bikers with high Adrenalin in there veins were throbbing the engines of there bikes and enjoying all the way to Uttarakhand from Delhi

adventure seekers went through IIT Roorkey and the cheers of  students there it was an amazing experience.

royal enfield bikes aside "dhaba"
whenever we stopped in the path there was a panoramic view of royal enfield bikes standing aside the  road near a "dhabas" for "chai ki chuski" stop!!!

adventure seekers at the gate of IIT roorkey
group members playing near their camps in rishikesh